Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Fabulous Blog Ribbon!

Wowza! The Fabulous Tiffany over at gave me this award.

The rules for the award are as follows:
1. Thank the blogger who gave it to you and share the link back to the awarding blog.
2. Name 5 fabulous moments in your life.
3. Name 5 things that you love.
4. Name 5 things you hate.
5. Pass the award to 5 deserving bloggers.

 Hmmm. This could be enlightening.

  Five fabulous moments in my life:
 Man, I've had so many fabulous moments, it's hard to choose.

Well, one, two and three are easy--the days my sons were born and my wedding day. Nothing tops these. 

But the day I received "the call" from Samhain ranks way up there. I'd been dreaming about being a published author for twenty years. When I got the call, I started crying, hit my knees and said my thanks. Then I proceeded to blubber my news to anyone who would listen (and a few customers who were trapped next to me in the coffee line). When I stepped outside that morning, I found one of those deflated helium balloons on my front lawn, how it got there, I haven't a clue. It said "Happy Birthday!"

Two other fab moments (these tie for 5th) was when I had my book release party and my book signing. I loved these events because I got to personally thank the people who supported me. Ahh, so great.

 Five things I love:
My family and friends.
Long walks.
Warm baths.
That exquisite moment when the characters rip the story out of my hands and start living.

 Five things that I hate:
 Hate is such a strong word. Can we call it dislike?

I dislike it when drivers talk on their cell phones! Especially when I am crossing in the crosswalk with my kids. GRRRR.
Bullying of any kind.

Hmm, maybe hate was the write word after all.

Thank you for this award.
I will be sending it on to other bloggers who must deserve it more than I do.


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