Thursday, April 2, 2015

RITA Nomination!!!

Hi gang,

I waited a few days to post this just to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

--pinches herself--Ouch. Nope, not dreaming.

With humongous happiness in my heart I will come out and say it.
I am a RITA-award nominated author. Woot woot!!! This is crazy exciting.

LOCK AND LOAD is going to the finals right beside J.D. Robb! Holy cow, I might explode with joy!

Thank you to the judges at RWA who read my book and felt it worthy to go to the next level.
Thank you dear family and friends who support and encourage me everyday.
Thank you God for this unbelievably beautiful gift.

I'm going to New York, baby. Oh my gosh! --pinches herself again--Ouch.

Big hugs to you all.

Have a wonderful Easter.


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