For the three months of summer I walked...Are you ready?
138 Miles!
Holy Toledo! Or Holy Los Angeles, might be more like it if I walked from here. Who knew I walked that much? You'd think I'd be skinnier. Maybe I'd better stop rewarding myself with scones at the end and/or beginning of the walk. Yeah...
Anyway, it wasn't hard. 138 miles equates to 11.5 miles per week. That's only 1.6 miles per day. Barely anything.
And the benefits?
Well, there are those yummy scones I mentioned (bad girl), my jeans fit pretty nicely, I got a new pair of shoes (see picture above), breathed a whole bunch of fresh air, luxuriated in the pure form of vitamin D, smelled the flowers, worked out those writing kinks, and enjoyed myself.
So what have you got to lose? Get out there and move it. Maybe I'll see you on the road.